MBA's Merry Madness Holiday Makers Market
MBA's Merry Madness has paired the Madison's Christmas Celebration to make a great family Saturday outing. There are ton's of fun things to do...... Goodie bags at the Library, Pancake Breakfast, Gingerbread House Competitions, Cookie Decorating for the kids, Craft Fairs to attend, The Santa Dash, Horse & Wagon Rides, Official Town Tree Lighting, Christmas Parade, Extended Shopping Hours til 7pm, Free Cocoa given a certain locations, Santa and Mrs. Clause meet with the kids for a great photo opportunity and a chance to tell the Jolly Ol' Elf himself what they would like for Christmas. MBA features a craft fair at Somerset Abbey at 98 Main St. Madison ME. If you are a vendor and would like a booth for this 9am-7pm craft show click below. If you are a business member and would like to be part of the fun contact us at our e-mail. [email protected]